Robert Madden Photography

16 March 2012

Robert Madden Abstract Contemporary Photography

 My life is my creation.
I create it thru the focus of my 
thoughts, an awareness of my 
emotional indicators and a willingness
 to act thru instinct and intuition.
The tough spots and hard edges coming to blows,
chipping away to reveal a general shape...
followed by a rub, 
sometimes harsh - sometimes gentle, 
but always creating...Uplifting!
Every stage of the process 
has it's own unique features 
 and lends its beauty
to the Masterpiece I will call 
My Life!

These last 2 go side by side.

all photographs are copyright of Robert Madden Photography(c)2012

11 March 2012

Robert Madden Abstract Contemporary Photography

 “My soul is from elsewhere,
 I'm sure of that,
 and I intend to end up 

all photographs are copyright of Robert Madden Photography(c)2012